Wedding Bands in Bristol

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Whether you call it an English Barndance, a Scottish Ceilidh, an Irish Ceili or an American Hoedown, it’s a sure-fire prescription for wonderful light-hearted family entertainment, just great for wedding parties. The Flamin’ Great Barn Dance Band is no stranger to any of these traditions.

“Jigs and reels, fun and frolics – The Flamin’ Great Barndance Band presents family fun in traditional style…”

No previous traditional country dancing experience is necessary, as the band brings along an expert dance-caller who will walk and talk you through each set – easy ones at first to reassure any novices, then progressively a little more tricky! He calls out the moves and steps as the fiddle, accordion and bass strike up the tune. What better ice-breaker could there possibly be for groups of guests meeting for the first time!

The Flamin’ Great Barn Dance Band comes fully-equipped with a high-quality PA system that produces an excellent sound in venues of any size. The musicians always take great pride in making certain that every aspect of their performance is carefully thought through. Reels and jigs, polkas and hornpipes, maybe a waltz, lots of fun and frolics; The Flamin’ Great Barn Dance Band presents family fun in traditional style.

So if you want to ‘Strip The Willow’ or re-enact the ‘Siege of Ennis’, swing your partner to the ‘Dorset Four-Hand Reel’, or even stamp your feet and holler ‘Yee-hah!’ in a traditional old-time American Square Dance, then The Flamin’ Great Barn Dance Band has got to be the band for you!

  • Ceilidh band playing all your favourite dance-tunes
  • Specialist dance-caller to assist with steps and moves
  • Fully-equipped with a high-quality PA system



The Flamin’ Great Barn Dance Band plays a mix of their favourite English, Irish, Scottish and American jigs and reels, polkas and hornpipes. The band brings a caller to organise ceilidh dances.


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